Did you know
the State of California has significantly more safety and emergency preparedness regulations and requirements for schools than any other state in the nation?
Did you know
the State of New York requires schools to have both an Emergency Plan compliant with the National Incident Management System and a SAVE plan compliant with NYS regulations.
SPSG has worked with over 250 charter schools throughout the United States to ensure they are compliant with these high standards.
We value outstanding education for all students in a violence-free, pro-social climate of trust and learning.
Our team members are certified to:
- conduct a number of evidence-based training programs;
- implement and evaluate emergency drills;
- offer technical assistance for audits;
- create or enhance emergency plans, safe schools plans, and policies and procedures related to school safety, violence prevention, and a pro-social school climate.
Download the 2014-15 California Charter School Consortium Information Brochure (PDF 863kb)
Download the 2014-15 New York City Charter School Consortium Information Brochure (PDF 2.2Mb)
What Do You Get?
Each school site that joins the Charter School Consortium for Safety will receive the following:
- Technical Assistance
- Two (2) Trainings of Your Choice
- Security and Vulnerability Assessment
- Two (2) Emergency Drills and Exercises
When Do You Get It?
We are in the process of forming the Charter School Consortium for Safety. Services begin the first of each month and continue for 13 months (i.e. If you sign up on 1/15/2014, services would begin on 2/1/14 and continue through 3/1/15).
What Will It Cost?
Creating the consortium allows us to provide comprehensive services to each school site at an affordable price. By joining the consortium, each school site is able to save a significant amount of money and receive customized services from experts in emergency management, violence prevention, and pro-social school climates. The cost for joining the consortium is $5,000 per school site. Discounted pricing is available for Charter Management Organizations with multiple sites, which will be negotiated on a one-on-one basis.
Join Now! There are a limited number of spots available for the consortium. We encourage you to join now! Payments are due 60 days after executing the contract.
We’re Flexible. We will create a schedule to meet your needs. If your school has a particular need that is not on the list of services, contact us – we’re confident that our extensive knowledge and experience can assist in adjusting programs to meet your needs.
Not sure what you need to do? SPSG will conduct an initial assessment and map all local, state, and federal requirements with your current program, policies, and practices and design a program to ensure your school is compliant.
Technical Assistance
SPSG will work with your school site to create or enhance your safety program, which could include any of the following:
- Safe School Plan, required by the California Department of Education
- SAVE Plan required by New York State Department of Education
- School Emergency Response Plan, required by all state departments of education and the federal government
- Policies and procedures for students, staff members and families, which could include a Code of Conduct and handbooks
- Development of flyers and web pages for your parents and families
- Assistance preparing for audits and compliance reviews
- Representation for your school community with community partners on topics such as: safe passages, truancy, internet security and safety
- Creation of student-based programs like Peer Leaders, Student Courts, Student Cadets and Student Mentors
- 24/7 assistance in responding to threats or actual incidents that occur on or around school property
Security and Vulnerability Assessment
SPSG will conduct a Security and Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) at each participating school site. The assessment will include a written report with recommendations, as well as a review of the results of the assessments with each school site.
Our background, credentials and experience affirm our ability to not only assess physical threats and hazards within the school and surrounding community, but also uniquely qualify us to assess and provide feedback on school climate, bullying and risk assessments.
Each participating school site will receive two (2) training sessions conducted at your school site. Each participating school site will choose the topics for the training sessions. Moreover, each participating school site will send representatives to three (3) consortium-wide trainings presented in a central location for all school sites participating in the consortium.
Sampling of trainings to choose from:
- School Emergency Response Team Training (Basic and Advanced)
- Conducting School Safety-Related Training
- Parent Reunification
- Crisis Communication
- Psychological First Aid: The Recovery Phase
- Emergency Response Training for Students
- Bomb Threats and Explosive Devices
- National Incident Management System Training
- Verbal De-escalation and Non Violent Physical Restraint
- First Aid and CPR Training and Certification
- Safe Passages
- Sexual Predators
- Bullying Behavior and Relational Aggression (including cyber-bullies)
- Creating a Pro-Social School Climate
- Weapons Abatement
- Proper Searching and Handling of Firearms
Emergency Drills and Exercises
We believe an integral part of a successful emergency plan is practice. Properly executed emergency drills provide an opportunity for staff, students, and parents to internalize the emergency plan. Each participating school will receive two (2) emergency drills conducted on their school campus. Each emergency drill will be customized to the needs of each participating school site.